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Binary Options Trading Signals

I get asked all the time about giving out Binary Options Trading Signals.

Well for me, I don't need the commitment of that undertaking. What I love about trading is the Total Freedom to "work" when I want. All I need is an internet connection and I am good to go.

If I did decide to give Binary Options Trading Signals, then I would have to make sure that I am giving them daily, so in effect creating a "job"for myself with hourly start and finish times, if you see what I mean.

Then if I felt that I had a job, I would want to get paid for it and so I would then charge for giving out my Binary Option Signals and next minute you know, I have a "job".

Which defeats the whole purpose of having a trading lifestyle for me. If you see what I mean.

I am not saying that I will never do it, as there is some really cool software coming onto the market that makes it all automated.

Of course I do have the Binary Options Room but that is where I help with explaining things and we do look at live trading and what are the good trades, but it is a Trading community chat room and NOT a signal service.

Now, I know some people like to have signals for whatever reasons and some just don't have the time to trade or watch the markets, so I have researched a few that seem to be doing fairly well and have decent feed back, but at the end of the day only one of them stood out as worth the investment.

Just remember Binary Options by their very nature are time sensitive, so bear that in mind when considering a signal provider and how the signals are delivered.

The signal provider that I am going to recommend has a fully functioning EA (robot) that will place the trades for you, so you don't have to do a thing and there is no time lag.

Binary Options Trade Signals Scam Alert

I just want to first draw your attention to one of the oldest trading signals scams in the book. What some unscrupulous signals providers will do is send out opposite signals.

So, let's say they have 100 people who subscribe to their signals for $97 per month. That means they are making $9700 per month.

What they will do as an example is send 50 people a buy signal and 50 people a sell signal.

Obviously only one of those options is going to win.

What will happen say over the course of 100 signals is that you might have some bias one way or the other or even both ways.

So, at some stage 50% of the people might be showing an 80% win rate and conversely 50% will be showing an 80% loss rate. Then it might change and the guys who had an 80% win rate might now be having a 20% win rate. It will fluctuate.

So the guys winning 80% of their trades are going to be giving rave reviews about the service and the guys who got wiped out, cancel their subscriptions.

So they need new members to take their place and with glowing testimonials from people getting 80% Win Rates, there will be no end of new subscribers.(Classic Ponzi Scheme)

Of course, these things will balance out in the end and it will average out to the true odds which is 50% probability on the outcome of a possible 2 outcomes and everybody will get wiped out in the end. It is just a matter of time.

Somewhat like flipping a coin.

Sometimes there will be more heads than tails and sometimes there will be more tails than heads, but eventually the results will balance out to the true odds or very close to them..which is 50% of each.

Now a 50% win rate with Binary Options will kill your account GUARANTEED.

Let me give you an example:

Working on a 75% payout and flat trading $100

Win 5 trades in a row = 5x75=$375

Lose 5 trades in a row = 5x100 = -$500

So win $375 but lose $500, you are going to go bankrupt.

You have to be winning more than 50% of your trades with Binary Options and use good Money Management if you want to come out ahead.

Free First Months Signals

Another twist on the above Binary Option Trade Signal Scam is they will offer you one months Free Trading Signals if you sign up with one of their recommended brokers.

What you have to understand is all these platforms offer an affiliate commission for getting new customers. If you click on one of the links to one of the Platforms I recommend and become a customer, they will give me a commission. It can be as high as a couple of hundred bucks, usually depends on the deposit amount and the number of referrals that you send in a month.

The difference here is that I don't sell anything and only recommend my trading strategies and which platforms I am having good results with. I don't care whether you listen to my advice or not, if you do and I get a commission, well great I will put it in my trading account and trade it, thanks, or use the money to build new EAs or indicators for members of my forums, but believe me when I tell you that I have probably had an account at some stage with just about every Binary Options broker out there, and there is some real rubbish out there. So, you have been advised.

At the moment I only recommend the following platforms.

Here is a list of platforms that are NOT on my recommended list for various reasons and in NO particular order. I don't want to have any court proceedings, all I'm saying is that the following are not on my recommended list. You figure it out.

Ok scratch that. I have just been advised by a friend not to name and shame as I could have some legal repercussions, but why not take a quick look at the Cypress Securities Exchange Commission Website

as that is where most Binary Option Brokers operate out of due to the offshore tax advantages, and see which brokers they are warning against.

If you see your broker listed on there, then my advice to you is to get your cash out as quick as you can and go with one of my recommended brokers rather.

Ok, let me make this as clear as I can, I only recommend the Platforms mentioned above at the moment.

So, what these dodgy signal providers will do is give you a months free signals if you sign up under their affiliate link for their recommended broker. They get their commission. Some of the more dodgy platforms payout really high commissions. be wary of anything with an X in the title. or an L in the title. just saying.

Then if the they end up showing you a profit after one month of signals, then you will surely sign up for the paid service now and if the signals turned out to be bum, you will be out of pocket, but the signal provider won't be, because he got the commission whether you won or not.

Yes, it's a mine field out there my friend. Better is to trade your own account with your own signals when they line up is my suggestion if you have the time.

Start off with my 10 minute strategy and the third one of my money management suggestion s and you will show a profit. Or better yet, invest some money into really accurate software like the Trading Predictor suite of indicators and follow how I use them here.

Recommended Signal Providers

Update - Update - Update

I am no longer recommending any signal providers at this stage.

The last guys who I was keen on, had a complete wipe-out and killed off one of my guys accounts.

So, at this stage, no signals providers in the Binary options arena that I can recommend.

Looks like I might have to do it myself.

Update - Update - Update

22 September 2015

I said that I would do the signals myself and I finally have.

It is my advanced binary options strategy with signals alerts either coming to your , phone or with a sound alert on the chart. Getting high success rates and of course it is Free.

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Mobile Apps

One of the most exciting things about trading online nowadays is that you can trade binaries using your smartphone . Binary options trading platforms like TechFinancials are fully responsive to different devices and screens and allow you to trade on a clear and simple interface that works just as well on your smartphone as it would on your home computer. What are some of the advantages to trading binary options on your mobile device instead of your home computer?

Binary Brokers With Mobile Apps

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24Option No actual apps, however they have a mobile friendly website. Just open up your web-browser on your handheld device and go to the website. You can trade using their in house mobile website. Works on Apple and Android products.

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TradeRush iPhone and iPad app at the Apple Store. Android App here.

Binary Trading From iPhone Anytime Anywhere

On the whole, when you can trade on your home computer you probably should—anytime you can spread things out and create space for your trading, you also create mental space which may help you to think more clearly. But not everyone has the luxury of being at home during trading opportunities. What if the best trades tend to happen while you’re at work? You can’t quit your job—you’re going to need to live on your regular income for quite some time before you can trade for a living. You can’t trade on your work computer, and you can’t miss out on trading opportunities just because of poor timing. And that’s where trading on your smartphone comes in use.

With your smartphone you can place a trade anytime, anywhere. If you’re at work, just trade using your mobile device and bypass your work network. If you’re on your commute home on the bus or subway, you can trade there as well if your phone picks up a signal. You don’t need to search around for a wireless hotspot like you would if you were carrying your laptop around. All you need to do is connect to the internet through your smartphone’s network and you’ll be able to monitor your trades and make trading decisions.

Many traders are surprised when they realize that trading binary options is a bit more challenging in real life than it is on paper. When you backtest trades over historical data, you may not think about what days or hours you’re placing trades. Then when you go to demo, you may be surprised to realize that most of the action takes place while you’re doing other things. Your smartphone allows you to take your trading with you wherever you go so that you don’t need to severely curtail your trading activities based on life’s little inconveniences.

If you trade overnight (as with markets like Forex which stay open overnight), you may also find your smartphone handy since you can place it on your bedstand when you go to sleep. If an alert goes off, you don’t even need to get out of bed—just flip open your phone and check on your trade. Make a change or set up another alert if it’s necessary and go right back to sleep. Trading binary options on your mobile device doesn’t just make trading more accessible, it also reduces the interference it causes with the rest of your life. This may make it easier to create a healthy balance of trading with other important life activities.

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I will research more apps available for trading and list them here.

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Binary options industry,.a closer look


Although binary options have been around for a long time, it wasn’t until 2008 that marketing of the product to retail clients began to pick. Since then, there has been rapid growth within the binary options trading sector with what seems like weekly announcements of new brands or tech providers coming to market. In last quarter’s Forex Magnates report, we took a look at the industry and profiled four technology providers that are helping brokers to offer binary trading to their customers.

When talking to technology providers about binary options, there are two advantages that nearly every company mentions; simplicity and conversions. Simplicity is based on the ease to educate clients of the product. Rather than customers needing to understand overall moves in the market, with binaries, the question boils down to “do you think such and such trading instruments is going down or up.” By simply creating platforms where you click this button if you think it is going higher, no matter by how much, binary providers are able to provide much easier to understand user interfaces. The simplicity leads to next advantage; conversions. By creating an easier to understand product, binary providers believe that brokers will see a higher percentages of conversions than with a standard forex trading offering.

For forex brokers thinking about providing binary options, there are four questions to consider before providing binaries. One, will a binary option offering be incorporated within an existing brand or be run as a separate unit? Two, how will the binary platforms integrate with existing company software? This becomes important for firms that prefer to consolidate their back office within one CRM.

Three, what is the anticipated CPA and LTV of each client? These figures vary on region; with estimates of LTVs ranging from $500 in countries with typically smaller accounts to $2000 for more affluent customers. Depending on how a company markets its binaries offering, it very well may not be worth it. Last, for companies planning on offering binaries and forex side by side, how will the two products affect each other’s revenues?

Launching in 2008, SpotOption views themselves as pioneers within the industry. The company markets itself as a providing an end to end solution for its white label partners. This includes a front end trading engine, risk management, payment processing, CRM, and CMS. SpotOption can also provide retention teams to help with client conversions. The company currently has signed on 70 white label partners and also has relationships with leading forex systems providers Leverate and Meta Quotes. According to Tammt Levy, SpotOption Director of Marketing, “We offer a stepping stone into traditional forex with our simple yet multi layered approach.”


Like SpotOption, Techfinancial’s co-CEO Eyal Rosenblum also views binary options as a hook towards educating clients to become full traders, and that “Techfinancials believes that binary options are a simple gateway to (the) financial markets.” What Techfinancials has done, is form their trading platform, OrcaPlus, into a financial analysis tool. By creating functions for traders to analyze the markets and receive probabilities for their trading strategies, it leads to greater customer engagement.

When speaking to Tradesmarter, one word that they will repeat is conversion, conversion, conversion. They claim to offer the industry’s highest conversion rates by creating a binary option platform that can appeal to newbie’s and trades alike. As Jonathan Leon Avital, CEO of Tradesmarter states, “By handling the “traders” with advanced features and the “gamers’ with simplicity to get involved, we are able to achieve the highest conversion rate in the market.”

Among the various providers, MarketsPulse claims to be the “only binary options technology provider focused on ‘enterprise class’ companies. These are brokers that have an existing customer base and don’t need a white label. They want a technology solution that can enable them to begin offering binary options to their customers quickly and integrates with their current backend software. As explained by CEO Racheli Esman, “The product is a lot more than just a website with a changeable logo hosted on our servers. We customize, integrate, and locally install the entire product. That means that the technology is installed on clients’ servers and no data is sent back to MarketsPulse.”

This article is an adoption of our much larger report on Binary Options in our Q2 Forex Market Report.

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Binary Options AutoTraders

This is a full review of the different Auto Trade Copying Services available to us binary options traders. As you will see in the videos below and from what I write there is a great deal to signing up and using these different platforms. That basically means to tread carefully as as the auto trading side of things is a different world all together. If you wish to do well, you will watch each of the videos for a more complete understanding as I cover much of what you need to know. I would also recommend you really take your time explore the sites, ask questions and search their knowledge base/info on the different sites to get more of a in-depth understanding. Remember there is a great deal more to it then what appears on the surface.

Video 1 Signal Push Features and Benefits

In this video you will see what Signal Push is and the Features/Benefits of using this binary options auto-trading platform. Some key points of this video are When going to their website you will need to provide them with an in order to see the performance and get full access to their signal provider list. Key Features and Benefits to me are 1) Support for Multiple Brokers. 2) Subscription Insurance. 3) Free month of service when signing up through Signal Push. They are the leading binary trade copier and are pushing the envelope aggressively with improvements all the time!

Video 2 Signal Push Providers/Tips and Tricks

In this video we will discuss the different providers and tips and tricks in using them to grow your trading capital as well as avoiding some of the pitfalls that you might face in your binary auto-trading journey. Tip 1) Sign up for VPS using Signal Push as they work as an application that connects to your broker this will save alot of head aches later. 2) After a 100% return using a signal provider think about taking out the original capital and putting it into another provider as this will balance out your results in time and help you take advantage of one doing well over another for a given period of time. 3) NGFR. NEVER GO FULL RETARD. This means wait to see the beta performance on Signal Pushs website of a provider for weeks or even a month or more, dont run out and sign up because of some forum post IE Cherry Coke or hype being promoted to you A good thing today will be a good thing tomorrow

Video 3 Signal Index auto trade copying with API access and SPEED!

This is a full review of Signal Index the other primary trading copying platform. It is very much like Signal Push but one key difference and that is the technology of which they use is worlds apart. Signal Push works on a software layer that connects to the broker where Signal Index connects directly to the broker. The advantages are in speed of which signals are delivered/execute and not needing a VPS or even to have your computer on. Though the only broker Signal Index uses at this time is Goptions, do to their higher then average payouts especially the 60sec at 75% coupled with the direct access to the API for speed, I would prefer to use Signal Indexs technology myself as a signal provider. Other then that Signal Index needs to improve their service in order to be more competitive with Signal Push. Things they can do to improve and attract both new clients and signal providers are 1) Offer Subscription Insurance. 2) Offer a Free Month to clients when signing up with a provider 3) Offer Tiered pricing based on client trade sizes so providers feel they are being compensated fairly.

Video 4 Binary AutoTrader STAY AWAY! NO TRANSPARENCY!

Where there is smoke there is fire. Signal Push and Signal Index both offer transparency with signal providers being separate from the signal providing platform. These guys dont and that alone is where the problem lies. I have gone through their marketing vs their users results and feedback, finding an extremely different image from what I see being promoted vs what is really being produced. This is because in my opinion this Auto-Trading service lacks any real transparency and should simply be avoided. They are basically listing their current lack of performance on all the brokers manipulating prices and blaming them for the losses they are currently getting. They state a sit down meeting with 24 options they were going to have and then never commented on that meeting, why you ask? Well in my opinion because they never had one with them and never were going to so this site looks like total BS and is just taking people for a ride!

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Marketsgear review

MarketsGear is a binary options signals platform which provides among the most accurate market alerts in the industry and is one which promises to deliver its clients the best online trading experience around.

It is operated by a group of reputable individuals with a history of experience in risk management, derivatives, forex trading and exotic options pricing.

MarketsGear uses advanced, cutting-edge technology which is unmatched by any other binary signal provider and allows traders to instantly access trading alerts from anywhere in the world, without the need to download or install any software. MarketsGear boasts a win-rate of around 80% and generates signals designed specifically for binary options trading for more than 60 of the most highly traded assets, including forex pairs, global indices and precious metals.

MarketsGear signals are created through the most advanced algorithm systems in the world and are sent out in real-time. All a trader needs to do is wait for the signal and place a trade with the approved broker. No experience is required to use the service and signing up is free for traders who open an account with one of MarketsGear’s recommended binary options brokers. Customer support meanwhile, is easily accessible via a web-based form on their website.

Overall, MarketsGear’s platform is easy to use and requires no prior experience. Hence, it is especially suitable for new binary options traders. Although relatively new in the market, MarketsGear has become a well-known player in signal providing services. Its mission is to continue delivering the most advanced technology and specialised tools in order for its clients to trade with confidence and success.

MarketsGear How To Join

Opening a free account with MarketsGear is very straightforward as well as secure. Prospective traders simply need to complete the registration form on the website and then sign up with one of their recommended brokers. These include RBOptions, CherryTrade, Redwood Options, Banc De Binary, AnyOption, Magnum Options, TradeRush, uBinary and Interactive Option.

Once a trader has registered and placed a deposit with the broker of choice, all they need to do is wait for the signals before proceeding to execute their trade.

MarketsGear How It Works

MarketsGear generates over 100 signals per month which are delivered whenever the software indicates a high probability trading opportunity. The signals include the asset, rate, direction, timeframe and accuracy level and are based on MarketsGear’s cutting edge technology that expertly predicts the movement of each asset. As the signals are not linked to automated trading, traders are in the advantageous position of being able to make independent decisions as to whether to trade the signal or not.

There are 3 types of binary options signals; 60, 30 and 15 Minute alerts. The exact signal frequency may depend on market conditions with a set of signals containing between 5-10 recommended assets. When the signal is released traders have up to 5 minutes to place a trade. To follow the signal, a trader simply needs to log into their broker account, enter the position with a given direction (either a Call or Put), set the expiry time and place the trade.

MarketsGear Results

MarketsGear boasts a respectable 80% win rate for the trading signals offered. As the software is designed to send out signals only for the most profitable trades, it only releases signals when it identifies in-the-money trades. Therefore, each client receives an average of between 3-6 signals a day which, when used with the right approach, can be turned into attractive profits.

MarketsGear publishes its trade history in real time which is accessible after signing up for an account. Traders can then keep track of the trade signals offered as well as comparing the results within a transparent environment.

MarketsGear Scam Watch

Signals are a ideal for copy trade binary options, provided a reliable source is used and we believe MarketsGear to be one such provider. The service offers traders accurate and timely alerts which are useful for both beginners and experienced traders alike. So far, MarketsGear does not appear to have been subject to negative user feedback and for a platform that supports over 60 assets and delivers over 100 signals per month with a win rate of 80%+, we do not believe MarketsGear to be a scam. To the best of our knowledge, MarketsGear is a reputable service which traders can go ahead and safely use.

MarketsGear Mobile App Review

MarketsGear is 100% browser based and the signals dashboard can also be accessed via mobile browsers, giving traders the ultimate binary options trading experience while on the move. The mobile trading app performs at the optimum level on all platforms, provided the signal connectivity remains constant. The app can be accessed via smartphone, tablet PC, desktop and laptops and other compatible platforms.

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Binary Options Broker Reviews & Ratings

Binary Options Broker Reviews

Objective Binary Options Broker Reviews delivered by Professionals. Must-Read Before Choosing a Binary Options Broker Comprehensive Reviews of the Best Binary Options Brokers! The reviews and articles are written by the markets’ top analysts, who understand the necessity of a reliable website where all types of traders can gather and learn about the latest innovations when it comes to Binary Options Trading . Not only will you read a detailed review of the leading brokers on the market, but you will actually understand the comparisons of these brokers too. So you will know the reputation of each broker at your fingertips . This will make it that much easier for you when you invest funds with your preferred broker.

anyoption Overall rating – 95/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 10/10

Expiry Range of Options 9/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 10/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 10/10

This broker was established in the latter half of 2008, and enables traders to trade from 31 indices, 9 currency pairs, 4 commodities, 45 stocks and 4 special Option+ assets. This is a great choice, making binary option trading simple for new traders.

The customer base at anyoption is diverse and consists of many thousands of people. This is one of the best platforms on the market. It is 100% web based, and offers traders a clean cut trading platform.

24option Overall Rating – 90/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 5/10

Expiry Range of Options 10/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 10/10

Payment Methods 10/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 10/10

24option is based in Anguilla and 100% web-based. It is one of the bigger brokers on the market today. There has been many good review by clients, especially with the multiple languages to choose and easy trading experience.

The company was founded at the end of 2010 and has a lot of funds behind it. There are 3 types of options available to trade: High / Low, One Touch and Boundary. This is more than what is provided on many of the other platforms.

According to their website you can trade forex options, stocks options, index options and commodity options. In the money pays out up to 85% and out of the money offers a payout up to 15%.

Banc De Binary Overall Rating – 91/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 10/10

Expiry Range of Options 10/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 5/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 10/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 10/10

Banc De Binary has an easy to use trading platform and they are based in New York. There are many features available to all types of traders. The FAQ section and eBook are great resources which offer beginners information about binary options trading.

This broker has been around for over 2 years and has a fairly large customer base. They concentrate on the English speaking market, as this is the fastest growing one at the moment.

The website is clean and is popular with different types of binary options traders. There are top quality features available for you to get started trading.

TradeRush Overall Rating – 89/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 9/10

Expiry Range of Options 9/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 7/10

Fees/Commissions 9/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 7/10

Support Quality 9/10

Website Extras 10/10

TradeRush is a 100% web-based trading platform that has headquarters in Cyprus. They cater to a large English speaking audience around the world.

Their trading platform is straightforward and fairly reliable. They are powered by the Spotoption trading software.

You can start trading with 61 underlying assets on their trading platform: 21 indices, 9 commodities, 13 currency pairs and 18 stocks.

If you are someone with no previous trading experience, then you should take a look at what this binary options broker has to offer.

WinOptions Rating Score – 85/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 7/10

Expiry Range of Options 7/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 8/10

Loyalty Offers 10/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 6/10

The WinOptions platform is web-based and the company is based out of Cyprus. You can earn 95% return if your binary option expires in the money. Out of the money offers a payout of 10%.

There are 12 languages available, which is the most for the market today. There is one click trading and a Reuters newsfeed so you can follow the latest news in the markets.

Receive high bonuses and trade on a neat trading platform 5 days a week. Trade the top forex, stocks, indices, commodities with WinOptions. The trading is said to be top level with this broker.

iOption Overall Rating – 83/100

Usability 8/10

No. of Assets 10/10

Expiry Range of Options 6/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 8/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 8/10

iOption are based in Cyprus and were established in the beginning of 2010. The website is web based, allowing you to trade from any location. They offer trading to both newcomers and professionals, which is something not all trading platforms out there offer to their traders.

Traders have had a lot to say about the Demo, because it is free and allows you to get started in an easy way with binary options trading. Also, from the outset of trading you have a personal account manager who is there to assist you every step of the way.

If you are new to binary options, you may well find iOption to be the preferred choice if you are serious about making money on the capital markets.

IkkoTrader Rating Score – 83/100

Usability 8/10

No. of Assets 10/10

Expiry Range of Options 10/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 7/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 10/10

Payment Methods 7/10

Support Quality 7/10

Website Extras 9/10

IkkoTrader has been on the market since the beginning of 2011 and it is 100% web-based. You can trade binary options in English, Spanish or French. The website has a high following and the company is made up of a professional team. At times there are known to be glitches on the platform, but in general it works well. There are a growing number of assets which is nearly at the 70 level right now. The extra features add marks this broker’s overall performance.

GTOptions Rating Score – 82/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 10/10

Expiry Range of Options 8/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 4/10

Fees/Commissions 6/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 10/10

Support Quality 9/10

Website Extras 9/10

GTOptions was founded in 2011 and is based in Cyprus. However, GTOptions allows investors from across the world to trade on their platform. It has one of the most advanced and incredibly safe trading platforms that the web has to offer. Once you are a trader with Gtoptions you are allocated a personal broker to yourself along with free signals each day you are associated with them. Most traders have a good trading experience with them because of its high quality as a service provider.

There are a number of important features that are very helpful to the traders, including frequently asked questions and useful education materials. Therefore, you will be kept busy while learning how to trade binary options with this broker.

ZoneOptions Rating Score – 82/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 5/10

Expiry Range of Options 8/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 8/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 8/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 10/10

ZoneOptions is a binary options trading platform that is relatively new in the market as it was established only in 2012. This platform was formed by a British company, but it benefits greatly from the knowledge and recognized status of the Option Fair group that have developed it.

The trading platform projected by ZoneOptions is similar to that of Option Fair and is also utilized by other highly regarded brokers. With its enhanced version, this platform offers an exclusive and great trading experience, with its vast range of asset types with new functions.

EZTrader Rating Score – 82/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 10/10

Expiry Range of Options 7/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 7/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 10/10

Payment Methods 8/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 6/10

EZtrader has been around since 2008 and they offer binary options to a range of different customers. Trading is simple with the web-based trading platform.

In the money can pay up to 95% return, and out of the money can give traders 10% return. This is one of EZTrader’s benefits.

They have grown a lot since their founding due to the many advantages they provide traders compared to other trading platforms.

EmpireOption Rating Score – 82/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 7/10

Expiry Range of Options 8/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 8/10

Fees/Commissions 6/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 8/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 9/10

The entry of EmpireOption binary option trading platform is rather recent in the binary options market. It has its base in the British Virgin Islands and has a number of offices throughout the world. Though it is a relatively new broker it offers many possibilities during the course of trading. It is a 100% web based platform and allows you to trade from anywhere in the world and from any computer during the trading hours.

It offers trading in 52 stocks, commodities, currencies, and indices.

The website of EmpireOption has many similarities with the other binary options trading platforms out there, but the efficiency and the easy to use visual features of the website compels the trader to trade binary options to their fullest.

EZBinary Rating Score – 81/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 8/10

Expiry Range of Options 9/10

Effective Return 6/10

Languages 9/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 10/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 8/10

EZBinary is an online platform that is used for trading in binary options. This platform has its base in London with offices in Canada, France, USA, Norway, Australia, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, Cyprus, Mexico, Switzerland, Bahrain, Spain, Bahrain and South Africa.

It is a web based platform and was established in the year 2011 and so is a comparatively fresh and new platform in the binary options market. However, it has forcefully consolidated itself as one of the best and top binary options platform in the options market within a short period of time.

OptioNet Rating Score – 81/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 7/10

Expiry Range of Options 7/10

Effective Return 8/10

Languages 8/10

Fees/Commissions 8/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 8/10

Support Quality 9/10

Website Extras 8/10

Amongst the vast sea of binary option brokers in the market today, one of the few making its mark is OptioNet. It is one of the newest binary option brokers, as its foundation was laid recently in 2010. They are based in the British Virgin Islands. The owner of OptioNet is the Mika Holdings Group.

The Mika Holding Group also owns OptionFair. However, OptioNet differentiates itself from OptionFair by offering its customers differing accounts depending upon their experience. Not only this, they also offer a widely appreciated level of support to new traders who are novice by providing them with effective and more than just ordinary training materials.

Trader24 Rating Score – 80/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 8/10

Expiry Range of Options 8/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 6/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 8/10

Trader24 is a Cyprus registered binary options trading platform with offices in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa. This company has more than 25 years of experience in both the international and the local financial markets, which gives it an edge over the other binary options trading platform. The trading platform is 100% web based, so you have the advantage of trading from anywhere in the world at anytime. All that is needed is an Internet connection and a laptop, PC, tablet or internet compatible mobile phone.

You don’t have to download or install any software. You only have to log in to the Trader24 platform and start trading. The website has been built with the latest technology and consequently traders benefit from precision, speed, and an extensive selection of options to trade.

OptionsClick Overall Rating – 80/100

Usability 8/10

No. of Assets 9/10

Expiry Range of Options 9/10

Effective Return 9/10

Languages 6/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 7/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 9/10

OptionsClick is a top grade binary options trading platform, which was founded in 2010. They are registered in the British Virgin Islands, while having various regional offices around the world. The trading platform is easy to use, making it accessible to all types of traders.

The traders we have spoken with have said a number of good things about the trading platform. The ability to trade in a quick and simple way is what has brought this broker many new investors.

If you are an investor with no previous binary options trading experience, then you should take a look at what OptionsClick has to offer you.

optionFair Overall Rating – 80/100

Usability 10/10

No. of Assets 5/10

Expiry Range of Options 6/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 6/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 9/10

optionFair is registered in the BVI and is owned by Mika Holdings Inc. They cater to clients on a global basis.

The trading platform is 100% web-based and is well known among its competitors. The platform provides helpful tools for traders to find their way round.

You may trade stocks, forex, commodities and indices with this broker. The return rate if your option expires in the money is up to 85% and between 0-15% if your option expires out of the money.

There are a number of different accounts you can chose to trade binary options with. Also, there is a decent choice of languages for traders to select.

OptionXP Overall Rating – 73/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 6/10

Expiry Range of Options 5/10

Effective Return 6/10

Languages 5/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 8/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 10/10

The trading platform this broker uses is Tradologic and they are based in Cyprus. You may trade 37 indices: indices, stocks commodities and currencies. Trade binary options in either English or French at OptionXP.

The owners of OptionXP are Pretoniria Consulting, and they are one of the best known white labels of Tradologic. The platform has many of the great features, and they are simple and eye catching for the trader.

The trading platform is web-based, so you may start trading from any computer you choose. It is suitable for all trading levels, making it a higher level binary options broker. Earn up to 85% return if your binary option expires in the money.

TradersRoom Overall Rating – 79/100

Usability 8/10

No. of Assets 7/10

Expiry Range of Options 10/10

Effective Return 8/10

Languages 6/10

Fees/Commissions 7/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 8/10

Support Quality 9/10

Website Extras 9/10

TradersRoom is owned by Cathrock Limited and is based in the United Kingdom. They were founded in February 2010 and are a 100% web-based trading platform. If your binary option expires in the money you can receive up to 75% return. Out of the money pays between 0 and 10% return.

Trade in English, Czech Spanish or Portuguese. Trading is simple and there are secure payments with the SSL system, which most brokers use today. The limit of this broker is the maximum you may invest for each binary option is $1000.

Nadex Overall Rating – 54/100

Usability 6/10

No. of Assets 5/10

Expiry Range of Options 9/10

Effective Return 5/10

Languages 4/10

Fees/Commissions 1/10

Loyalty Offers 0/10

Payment Methods 6/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 10/10

The Nadex stands for the North American Derivatives Exchange. The trading is regulated, allowing you to trade stocks, currencies, indices and commodities. The regulatory body is the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission).

Trade binary options directly with the Nadex exchange, based in Chicago, USA. Trading is easy, because there is no software download necessary.

The market information is updated on a regular basis, making the trading experience simple for you.

Read full review

TraderXP Overall Rating – 79/100

Usability 8/10

No. of Assets 8/10

Expiry Range of Options 7/10

Effective Return 7/10

Languages 7/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 10/10

Payment Methods 10/10

Support Quality 9/10

Website Extras 8/10

TraderXP is one of the most famous binary options brokers out there today. They are based out of the British Virgin Islands and have various global offices. All in all, there are 53 assets to trade: 17 stocks, 20 indices, 4 commodities and 12 currency pairs.

The company was founded at the end of 2009 and the trading is simple, giving beginners a chance to become professionals at TraderXP. Returns for in the money are up 75% and out of the money is up to 10%.

There are informative market reviews which are updated each trading day. These provide traders with an insight with the latest market news. TraderXP is known to be popular among its customer base.

Option10 Overall Rating – 71/100

Usability 8/10

No. of Assets 5/10

Expiry Range of Options 5/10

Effective Return 5/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 8/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 9/10

Support Quality 6/10

Website Extras 8/10

Option10 was established in June 2010, and the broker is owned by Pretoniria Consulting. The website is a white label of Tradologic, and it is based out of Cyprus.

The platform is popular among global traders, because it is available in 12 languages. This is a high for the binary options market. Trade binary options with 10 stocks, 5 indices, 11 currencies and 6 commodities.

The return if your binary option expires in the money is up to 85% and you can trade from a variety of different option types. The platform is straightforward, bringing with it attractive features for the new trader.

OptionBit Rating Score – 80/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 6/10

Expiry Range of Options 6/10

Effective Return 7/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 5/10

Loyalty Offers 10/10

Payment Methods 7/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 10/10

OptionBit has been around since 2010, and has its headquarters in Cyprus. The trading platform is 100% web-based, making trading simple. Credit card payments are secure through the SSL (Security Sockets Layer), and you may deposit via a variety of methods.

If your trade expires in the money you are liable for between 75-85% return. The trading platform is Tradologic, one of the main providers in the binary options industry.

In some respects OptionBit is a leading broker. This is made possible as their website is accessible in 12 global languages.

TradeQuicker Rating Score – 69/100

Usability 6/10

No. of Assets 9/10

Expiry Range of Options 4/10

Effective Return 8/10

Languages 4/10

Fees/Commissions 6/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 8/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 9/10

TradeQuicker was established in the July of 2010 and has an average customer base. There is no software download, because the platform is 100% web-based. You can start trading with 66 underlying assets, which includes 26 stocks, 21 indices, 4 commodities and 15 currencies.

A binary option that expires in the money can pay as much as 75% return and one out of the money pays a maximum of 10% return. You can only trade in English, as there are no other available languages.

The broker is known for the Daily Market Review and Glossary, providing traders with the vital resources required to be the best binary options trader in today’s market.

GlobalOption Rating Score – 79/100

Usability 9/10

No. of Assets 9/10

Expiry Range of Options 8/10

Effective Return 10/10

Languages 7/10

Fees/Commissions 6/10

Loyalty Offers 7/10

Payment Methods 7/10

Support Quality 8/10

Website Extras 8/10

Trade from 76 underlying assets at Global Option. These include 48 stocks, 15 indices, 4 commodities and 9 currency pairs. The company is based in Cyprus and the website offers a different look from the other binary options brokers.

In the money offers traders up to 95% return and out of the money offers a payout of as high as 10%. The trading platform is web-based, so you can trade from your preferred computer and destination.

There are known to be bonus offers to traders on a daily basis, which is a feature which many brokers don’t have.

BullOption Rating Score – 77/100

Usability 7/10

No. of Assets 4/10

Expiry Range of Options 5/10

Effective Return 6/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 10/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 7/10

Support Quality 10/10

Website Extras 9/10

Trade 30 underlying assets, including 8 stocks, 6 commodities, 11 currencies and 5 indices at BullOption. Just as with other Tradologic white labels you have a good choice of 12 languages.

The trading platform is 100% web-based, so you can trade from any computer you want. There is a high quality newsfeed and you can trade directly from the Trade menu.

This platform has a high following among professional binary options traders.

Read full review

StartOptions Rating Score – 78/100

Usability 7/10

No. of Assets 6/10

Expiry Range of Options 3/10

Effective Return 9/10

Languages 10/10

Fees/Commissions 9/10

Loyalty Offers 9/10

Payment Methods 8/10

Support Quality 9/10

Website Extras 8/10

Traders can trade binary options in various languages with this platform. StartOptions was established in 2010. It is a white label of TradeSmarter, a world famous binary options platform provider. The platform is catered to all trading levels and it is easy to use. This broker’s platform is 100% web-based, meaning you may trade from any computer.

The StartOptions platform is unique and the maximum amount of funds you can trade per option is $2000. The return rate for in the money is 75% and for out of the money is 10%. This broker is known for honesty and integrity with its customers.

Compare binary options brokers by withdrawal process ease

Compare Binary Options Brokers by Withdrawal Process Ease

The effectiveness and reliability of the trading platforms can’t be contested anymore, especially because the professional trading platforms offer a large number of options when it comes to trading. One of the most important aspects of such sites is the withdrawal/deposit options that they offer, which make the difference between a good and a bad trading process. It is important to have a fast method at your disposal to withdraw and deposit money, and this can be done easily with brokers such as 24option. stockpair and anyoption. We are talking about the Best Binary Options Brokers after all, companies that are on this market for ages, and that could offer you exactly what you are looking for.

The Top Binary Options Brokers offer the possibility to deposit and withdraw money in several ways. First, you will need to have the possibility to deposit using your banking card, whether we are talking about credit or debit cards. second, some traders prefer e-wallets such as PayPal or Skrill, which are also available with those traders. Moreover, the Binary Options Brokers withdrawal Process must be easy, as we are talking about a world in which money need to circulate.

Compare Binary Options Brokers By Their Withdrawal Process

You will have to decide on one of those Best Binary Options Brokers . considering the facilities and options that they offer. Some might prefer the ones that have a smaller deposit fee, while others would look for those platforms that offer a large number of operations available. the Top Binary Options Brokers have them all, so you can’t complain about lack of options.

There are some trading platforms that allow you to subscribe with smaller sums, but you should know that those are only gambling websites. Let’s face it, you can’t invest one dollar and expect wonders. However, with the decent minimum deposits offered by the Binary Options Brokers withdrawal Process, of 100 to 500$, you will have the money needed to start a healthy investment operation.

There is even the possibility to trade with 5$ per transaction. Imagine what you could do with 500$. This is why the minimum deposits with the Best Binary Options Brokers are big enough to allow you a decent number of transactions, but small enough to give access to the platform to a large number of people.

The demo account is another great idea for beginners, as this account would allow those to learn the best trading practices, without risking any dollar. Once you know all the secrets of trading and you have developed some smart trading strategies, you can think about opening an account with real money.

With the demo account, you can test many platforms before making your choice. Some of those platforms give you access to a large number of assets to trade, while others give you access to a large number of trading instruments and strategies. A beginner would need many stocks and currencies to trade, as he needs to try all the strategies. An advanced trader already knows what assets he or she likes, so he would only require a platform that gives him the possibility to use many trading instruments. Besides this, the clarity of the chart and the speed of the platform are other characteristics of a trading platform that have to be considered.

Once you have found your platform, it is time to test the fascinating world of binary trading, a world that made so many people happy overnight. With all those facilities and options, it would be possible for you to make the money you were dreaming of, to buy that car and villa, and to quit your boring day job forever.

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Binary options strategies 3

Binary Options Strategies

A solid strategy is necessary if you want to be successful in any form of trading. There are many different strategies out there, and you will want to customize whichever you choose in order to match your specific goals and needs as a trader, but settling on an effective choice is an absolute must.

Devising a strategy is only the first step. After you select a method, you need to make sure it works. There are two ways of testing this . and it is suggested that you use both. Before you start testing, you need a hypothesis. This means that, in explicit terms, you need to map out exactly what your method is . how it will work and be employed, and how successful it is supposed to be. For example, you might conclude that executing a put binary option after a currency has reached its resistance level will be a successful trade 60 percent of the time when dealing with 15 minute options. When you test this type of trade, you need to be specific about the range and how close the actual strike price needs to be to the resistance level. The more specific you can be, the better off it will be.

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Again, testing your strategy hypothesis comes in two parts. The first is to look at as much back-data as possible . Look over historical price fluctuations on the charts. Look at how often the resistance price was arrived at and where prices were actually at 15 minutes later. It is likely that you will have a huge sample size here and you do want to look at as many examples as possible, but don’t let this paralyze you. Look at the data, but don’t lose out on your trading time as a result. You want your education to serve a larger purpose . after all.

Once you’ve analyzed past data, start using a demo account to practice. Many brokers now offer these for free, but some brokers specifically will not give these out unless you make a deposit first and then especially request access the program. Find a broker that offers a demo account (you might need to their customer service to find this out), and open an account. Then, practice your strategy as much as possible in real-time. This requires a lot of vigilance on your behalf, but so does real life trading . Virtual trading is good practice for this reason, amongst others.

Demo trade as much as possible before you start to reach a conclusion and start trading real money. Your hypothesis will hopefully be proven correct at this point. If after both set of tests are over (the research stage plus the practice), your strategy theory is successful, you’re ready to start real trading. If you have proven that your strategy is not as successful as you’d like, start over again. There is no time requirement saying you have to start real life trading right away. Take your time and devise a method that will give you the results you desire . There are no strategies out there that will give you 100 percent success rates, but you can be successful if you take your time and do the research necessary to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Simply jumping into real life trading is a bad idea, you will definitely not want to do this. Your money will be lost before you even start.

A good binary options trading strategy will overcome the deficit between the win rate and the loss rate. For most brokers, this hovers at around a 55-60 percent success rate. You can beat this if you put in the work. Stay realistic with your end results and dont force a trade that doesnt work on paper.

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Discover why forex binary options trading can be much easier and less stressful than regular forex t

Discover Why Forex Binary Options Trading Can Be Much Easier and Less Stressful Than Regular Forex Trading

Make up to 80% in One Second on Only 1 Pip on Your Trade

Yes its true. If youre right in price direction by only 1 pip you can make up to 80% or more on a trade. And thats just one trade. You can put on many many trades within a day. In fact you can even put on several trades with in a second!

In this course I am going to teach about Forex binary options, binary options on the various Forex pairs. Youll learn about the mechanics and mindset about what it will take to succeed. I also teach you about pitfalls to avoid with binary options and day trading in general.

Binary options today, in its most popular form are a form of options trading invented some time ago. The binary option is also known as a digital option, a Fixed Rate Return Option (a FRO) or an All or Nothing Option. It resembles a credit spread somewhat in vanilla options land. But the term All or Nothing Option probably best describes what a binary option is.

Learn About Forex Binary Options Trading. Avoid pitfalls. And Get on a Fast Track for Forex Binary Options Trading Success

Learn from a Master in Binary Options Chris Kunnundro Pioneer in Binary Options System Creation

As I mentioned before, binary options have been around for a while. But due to the popularity of the Forex markets and the notion of being able to open an account quickly, funding with a credit card the binary option day trading industry was born. Now, the CBOE lists its own binary options, the AMEX as well. Those are similar but they expire monthly. The type of binary options we focus upon are intraday expiry binary options.

Well have you ever done any intraday day trading? Youll notice it can be stressful. But youll also notice that most of the stress comes after you enter a position! The stress in watching the position, feeling like youre waiting forever for it to do something, watching that position for your systematic profit taking exit can either stress you out or lull you to sleep!

In comes binary options With binary options you do not have to sit there and watch your position. Once you get in youre in and you dont have to worry about exiting you just let the option expire (although more advanced tools have come out that let you exit a trade early but why bother! Just enter right from the start!!). Plus you can now trade 15 min and even 60 second binary options so you can get to the profit much quicker. Not having to watch and shorter expirations been a great thing for us over here, a boon to our day trading efforts!

Learn about the mechanics of how to trade binary options

Introduction to the binary options industry and how it works.

Discover 60 min, 30 min, 15 min and 60 second expiration binary options

Ill teach you about the profit vision and how to look out into the future to shift your mind so you can start profiting in Forex binary options.

Pitfalls youll need to know them before you start trading binary options so you dont fall into one!

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Forex binary options trading systems Ill introduce you to what needs to happen to create one and Ill introduce you to mine as well. A Forex binary system is simply a Forex binary strategy that you are able to repeat over and over.

Learn about why some have broken through to success to the tune of $10,000 to $30,000 a day average profit broker confirmed and what you need to do to achieve this level.

Find out how to start your own binary options trading company how to treat binary options trading as a serious, real business.

What youll get:

Youll get downloadable videos and audios explaining everything you need to do to get started trading binary options right. Ill explain to you how binary options work and what you need to do next in order to potentially and actually succeed. Start here with me and put your self in a position to succeed, even succeed massively as many of my students have done.

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Is trading with binary options of luck

Is Trading With Binary Options a Game of Luck?

The trading of binary options can offer investors the opportunity for high profit percentages on the trades that are successful. While many may feel that trading in the options market is just a game of luck, there are numerous ways that traders can help in reducing their exposure to risk, ultimately leading them towards a better chance at profit.

Just as with any other type of investment, trading in the binary options market does involve some amount of risk. However, for those who step into this market with no knowledge or study of how the market works, it is likely that they can lose their investment funds.

However, for those who become educated about this market and take advantage of the available analysis and trading tools prior to moving forward, the chance of a successful trade can increase exponentially.

Gambling and trading: making the distinction

For professional binary options traders, the consistency of their success and the profits that they make cannot only be down to luck. As we all know, consistent luck does not exist, so what distinguishes those that make money trading binary options from those who dont?

One of the main answers to this question lies in how an individual approaches trading. With binary options the approach is as simple as higher or lower, yet professional traders incorporate this simple decision in to a solid trading strategy which has been tested to prove that it is profitable despite a few losses. On the other hand, gambling with binary options is as easy as flipping a coin and, with no knowledge of financial markets or a strategy to follow, this makes each binary options trade a gamble.

Binary options, like all forms of speculation, involve risk and potential losses. The most important thing in relation to each of these elements if to be prepared to deal with these risks. This means that all binary options traders should have an understanidng of how to manage the losses that they expose their account to and also that their entries are based on a strategy or rationale with a high-probability of being profitable. Risk management will be different for many traders but it will include an understanding of how much you are able to lose and also whether you can take advantage of features which may reduce your losses such as rollover or the close early tools offered by many brokers.

Increasing Knowledge Can Decrease Traders Risk

There are many types of underlying assets to invest in when trading in the binary options market. While all may seem to present various types of profit potential, it is a good idea for traders to first focus on just one or two specific assets. This will allow a much deeper knowledge and understanding of how that asset trades. Once comfortable with a particular asset, traders can then move forward with other underlying asset choices.

Another way to help in reducing a traders exposure to risk is to become as educated as possible about binary options, the markets in which they trade, and the underlying assets that are involved. By taking advantage of the online tutorials and other educational materials that are available, both new and experienced traders alike can become much more aware of the potential risks in this market, as well as with how to reduce them.

Taking Advantage of Practice Trading Opportunities

One way to increase the odds of success in binary options trading is to take advantage of practice trading even as an experienced trader. As many of the online binary options websites offer demo accounts, traders are able to participate in real trading situations, yet without the use of real funds. This can be a great opportunity to not just get a better feel for how the overall market moves, but also to get better acquainted with various trading techniques that can be done using the underlying assets that are available.

Click here to get access to a free $50,000 demo account at Banc de Binary! In addition to use of a demo account, some online binary options trading platforms will also offer bonus money to traders when they make a certain amount of deposit into their account. This, too, can help to reduce risk to the trader, as they may consider these trading funds to be house money regardless of how much past experience a trader has.

Even in real binary options trades, though, the amount of a traders potential loss is known prior to the trade taking place. Therefore, unlike in a casino where results depend upon luck, binary options traders who have the knowledge and understanding of how this market works will lessen their amount of risk and increase their odds and ability to profit from their trades.

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