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Binary options opteck 4

Over the last few years, binary options have become a popular choice of investment for many retail traders in the financial markets. Hence, it is not surprising to see many online binary options brokers springing up to cater for this fast growing market. Like all expanding markets, the binary options market is not without its challenges. One of the main hurdles that impede the growth of this market is the lack of regulation governing the operations of brokers for binary options. This is because binary options are traded in the Over-the-counter (OTC) market. This mean there has been no centralized exchange for the trading of binary options. Instead, binary options are bought and sold globally through the internet with specialized binary options brokers like Opteck. Cysec the Cyprus regulator made an announcement that from the 3 rd May 2012 all Binary Brokers would need to be regulated by Mifid, the same regulator as the online Forex industry, so that should make things easier for the trader.

Regulations governing Opteck’s Operations

As mentioned, the binary option market has been essentially unregulated although this is now changing and a requirement for regulation has been recently initiated. It means brokers need to start applying and certainly thinking about getting regulated. It takes a long time to get regulation with many steps to accomplish, a lot of paperwork and a lot of money to put into it.

Historically the lack of regulation has given cause for concern as to whether a binary option broker is reliable or not. Many established binary brokers rely on their hard earned reputation to establish their credibility and reliability in this highly competitive market. For newly established binary brokers like Opteck, this can be quite a challenge as they have to win over sceptics from the market.

One way for newly established binary options brokers to win over sceptics is by subjecting themselves to regulations voluntarily. However, in order to be regulated, there must be an existing regulatory framework that governed the binary options market. Because, the binary options market is sort of a ‘no man lands’, little or no regulation exist. For UK companies like BNET ONLINE LTD which owns the Opteck trading platform, their operations are not governed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) per se. It is currently unclear as to whether binary options falls within the legal definition of ‘options’ under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001. Providers of binary options ‘betting’ are instead more likely to be regulated by the UK Gambling Commission. As such, we do not find Opteck claiming that it is FSA regulated in order to gain credibility.

Nevertheless, the current trend seems to indicate a strong push towards regulating this expanding market. Cyprus being a popular operation base for many brokers due to the low tax rates and favourable investment environment is planning to regulate the trading of binary options by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). CySEC recently announced the classification of binary options as a financial instrument which falls under the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007/09. By doing so, CySEC is laying the ground work for regulating the binary options brokers in Cyrus in the future. It follows that with CySEC taking the lead; it is likely that the FSA will also embark on a similar undertaking to regulate binary option trading in the UK.

Operational History Of Opteck

Just recently established in 2011, Opteck lack any operational history for one to draw any conclusion about its reliability. Nevertheless, Opteck also lack any bad feedback that is typical of an unreliable operation. From this perspective, Opteck is worth looking into as a binary option broker for novices trying to profit from the lucrative binary option market.

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More of Our Powerful Options Trading Systems Below:

We preach the concept of Trading as a Business or Create Your Own Trading Business. That concept is derived from the mentality needed in trading that separates you out emotionally in trading, completely and gets you to focus on simple execution of a well thought out trading plan.

If you try to wing it trading real time youre going lose and youll likely lose all of your money eventually entering in the black hole spiral of trading account death. You need a plan. You need a set of rules that have a potential of NETTING out a profit. You do NOT need a system that has 110% winning, never looses (which ultimately means youre looking for excuses for bad money management position sizing so you can put your entire account or something similar on the next magic trade am I right?). NETTING is the key word.

If you doubt me on this go pick up a copy of Jack Schwagers The Market Wizards and read about those winning traders, especially the futures traders since options is leveraged as futures are. Read about the Turtle Traders. Read about Richard Dennis. Youll soon see that making money trading is not about winning all of the time. It s about running a trading business where you have costs, revenues, profits and losses. And the objective is to net out a profit over costs. You will have costs. Winning percentage does not matter much. Net profit matters!

So we look to develop systems that can potentially, solidly NET out a profit, that can average a profit over time. If we have a system to net out a profit in a solid way over time money can be made. A lot of money can be made by simply exciting that system along with a good money management, position sizing system. In options, the correct position sizing mechanism handles compounding correctly. If the system continues to perform fairly consistently over time, the position sizing system should allow you to achieve critical mass where the size of your accounts starts expanding rapidly. We include a position sizing, money management system with each options system.

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Additional options trading Systems to help you augment your trading performance. Learn one well and be able to perform one well before adding another. Listed below are professional options trading systems, systems that are home study courses that teach you everything you’ll need to know in order to put your self in position for potential excellent long term trading success with potential exceptional returns. These systems are available to you for purchase.

We make no promises on your personal success, because we’re not allowed to do so plus the successful performance of these systems will depend on your execution of these systems. But… we do make solid stuff! We designed these systems for our own trading for the bottom line purpose of making money, keeping it and growing it over time from the options market. We have a lot of systems and are now at the stage where we can let a few of them go so you could possibly share in our success as well.

Below are a collection of several trading systems from our “Trading for a Good Living” philosophy stash. Click on the logo to follow the link to the respective site where you can find out about each trading system.

Each trading system represents a different style of trading. We all tend to have a particular style of trading that fits our personality better than another.

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Displaced moving average strategy for binary options

Displaced moving average strategy for binary options

BOS 7 November 2013 Binary options strategies Comments Off on Displaced moving average strategy for binary options 247 Views

Dear friends and readers of Binaryoptionstrategy. eu, today I’d like to talk about another strategy we are trying and which is turning out to be very profitable. It’s based on one of the most common technical analysis indicators, the displaced moving average. Let’s see what is it.

First of all let’s open a good technical analysis platform, such as Netstation by Netdania and open the graph of one asset of our choice. Let’s click on Studies (upper part of the screen) and select Displaced moving average . Let’s set the following parameters: 14 for the period and 7 for the displacement . Pay attention: 7 and not -7!

Now let’s set the time-frame, that will be 1 minute.

Set the displaced moving average: 14, +7

Set the time-frame: 1 minute

Set on the broker the exact expiration: 5 minutes ( 24option. optionbit )

Open the position only in the two following cases:

HIGH if the green candlestick closes by cutting the displaced moving average from the bottom to the top.

LOW if the red candlestick closes by cutting the displaced moving average from the top to the bottom.

In case of negative investment it could be interesting to set a progression* of investments until you reach a profitable one. But if you set the progression it becomes much more risky.

* Progression, in this case, means that if the first investment of 25€ is unsuccessful, then you have to invest 50€. If also the second investment should fail because the return on the operation is about 75%, so it won’t be sufficient to double the previous invested 50€, but you will have to invest at least 130€ to obtain a net earnings total margin of about 20€. The following recommended amount to continue the progression, after a possible third consecutive unsuccessful investment, is 300€. Pay attention: even if it isn’t so easy to obtain 4 consecutive failures with this strategy, it isn’t impossible. So, when you face progressions, it’s important to know well your potentialities, in order not to be without money to invest, due to a negative series.

Personally, I’m always against progressions but if you should realize you found the winning couple (I mean ideal asset-investment’s hour), sometimes it can be a good idea to use progressions.

It’s important to point out that also this strategy hasn’t any guarantee of success. It can be highly profitable in a short time but, if recklessly used, it can even provoke the loss of great sums. So I invite you to always pay attention and try all strategies with demo accounts.

If you want to try this strategy you can take part in our discussions and even try it, modifying parameters such as time-frame and expiration, trying to find the best compromise.

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Mifid broker regulation of binary options

MiFID Broker Regulation of Binary Options

Technical Aspects of the EU MiFID Regulation

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID ), is a European Union law that provides harmonized regulation for investment services across the 30 member states of the European Economic Area (the 27 Member States of the European Union plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein). The main objective of the Directive was to increase competition and consumer protection in investment services.

MiFID, which has been in effect from 1 November 2007, has been the cornerstone of the European Commissions Financial Services Action Plan whose measures significantly changed the way EU financial services markets operated. The Directive contains measures that changed and improved the organization and functioning of investment firms, facilitating cross border trading while creating strategic opportunities.

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC ) monitors binary option brokers compliance with MiFID.

Why Cyprus, Not United Kingdom, Germany or France?

The question that often arises with binary option traders is why is the broker registered and regulated in Cyprus. Why is the broker not regulated in the United Kingdom, Germany, or another EU country. The binary option industry is a very young industry. The 27 member states of the EU each have their own financial regulator.

Cyprus was the only financial regulator to come up with rules and regulations for binary option brokers. Cyprus is in essence leading the way for binary option broker regulations. Cyprus is a small country and saw the opportunity to be a trend setter and they announced that they will create the legislation to regulate brokers.

Other Countries Regulating Binary Option Brokers

Some brokers, after receiving a license to be regulated in Cyprus, will register with various country like the UK or Germany. Regulated Brokers like TopOption and 24Option. have taken their Cyprus license and registered with BaFIN, Banc de France, or FCA in UK. All this does is create an added point of registration. A company does not have to register with more than one EU regulator to do business in all EU states.

It is always important to check that the binary option broker has a license and that the license is still active.

Our most recent list of CySEC regulator brokers can be found here .

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Why Traders Love Binary Options in India?

India is one of the emerging economies in today’s world with its growing manufacturing and service industries. Binary options trading has also been welcome into the Indian community, helping Indians trade on domestic assets as well as assets from across the globe. With India being a prime growth economy, there are a number of individuals residing in India who see trading binary options as an accessible and easy way to earn sizeable profits.

There are three primary reasons for the growing popularity of binary options in India. This includes the rising usage of smartphones and online technology across the country, the growing interest of the financial markets amongst Indians and the number of Indian assets that are available on binary trading platforms such as EZTrader. Let’s take a look at each of these reasons to learn more about why Indians have grown to love trading binary options :

The Rise in Smartphone & Online Access

India has become one of the global leaders of technological advancements. Indians have grown a foothold in providing information technology (IT) services to a range of Westernized countries. In doing so, they have enabled their country to gain access to the online world. Binary trading has grown in popularity as many Indians now have access to the internet through their mobile devices or personal computers. What’s interesting about this rise in usage is that much of this is still untapped. As of 2012, India had the 3rd largest number of internet users worldwide after China and the US. However, this only represents 11.4% of India’s overall population. Right now, the growth in internet usage in India is rising at an exponential rate on a daily basis as networks are expanding and the price of mobile devices becomes more affordable. This creates a situation where there are major opportunities for Indian traders to access binary options through their newfound online usage. Not only can they gain access to information quickly online to perform their trades, traders can also take action through the use of online binary trading platforms and mobile apps.

A Rising Interest in the Financial Markets

As India’s domestic economy continues to contribute more to the global economy, many Indian consumers are becoming more interested in the stock market. Since a number of Indians are learning more about their primary sectors – such as manufacturing and IT – through their day-to-day work, they are dabbling with trades. This presents opportunities for binary trading as they can trade on stocks and indices from India or other global markets but also manage their risk easily online. They can also trade on assets across a range of categories as well as in markets outside of India since these are available through the online platform.

The Accessibility of Indian Stocks and Indices for Binary Trading

On the EZTrader platform, all of our traders can place trades across a range of global assets, including the Indian market. Our Indian traders find trading on domestic stocks and indices useful so they can make a prediction on a stock or index they have local insight on. This local knowledge can help them to understand how the asset will move upon expiration. Indian assets available on EZTrader include –

SENSEX – a stock market index that consists of 30 well-established and financially sound companies that are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). These 30 firms represent the largest and most actively traded stocks and span across a range of industries such as the financial services, pharmaceutical and oil and gas sectors. The value of the SENSEX is said to provide a good indication of the stability of the Indian economy overall.

Nifty 50 - the Nifty is a market index comprised of 50 major stocks, measured by market capital status, that are traded on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). The index maintains 22 Indian economy sectors and provides the trading community with a single portfolio for all of these markets. The index includes companies that represent an overall picture of India’s developing economy.

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) - an Indian conglomerate company that operates three primary business segments – petrochemicals, refining and oil and gas. As a company, it also has other diversified divisions related to textiles, telecommunications and retail.

Tata Motors – a multinational automotive company who has grown to become one of the largest motor vehicle manufacturers in the world by volume. The organization is a member of the Tata Group, which currently manages a range of businesses across India. The company expanded its operations into production of commercial vehicles in 1954 when it formed a joint venture with Daimler-Benz AG of Germany.

Tata Steel - a multinational steel company that can trace its roots back to 1907, it is one of India’s largest companies. Headquartered in Mumbai, India and a subsidiary of the Tata Group, it is the 10th largest steel-producing company in the world.

Whether you are based in India or have an understanding of the Indian market, binary trading continues to be a growth area for the Indian trading community. As India continues to expand its influence in today’s global economy, there is no doubt that the popularity of binary trading in India will continue to grow as traders seek to improve their profit potential.

Binary options portal 11

Binary Options Indicators and Free Strategies

Free Indicators, charts and strategies for binary options below! Keep reading..

In reference to Binary Options, Indicators are formulated calculations measuring the volume and price value of an underlying asset. These indicators give us insight to the trend, future price movements, price volatility and momentum. Binary Options Indicators fall under the category of Technical Analysis as the main focus is the behavior of the price as oppose to fundamental analysis which deals with economic and financial affects on an underlying assets. Below you will find some of the most popular Binary Options Indicators used with short-term trades such as 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes trading. All indicators are compatible with MT4 free charting solution.

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List Of Indicators for 60 Seconds and Short-Term Trading

Pivot Points Indicator used to determine the real support and resistance levels based on past market levels.

Bollinger Bands ® Indicators used to measure market volatility in a given time period.

Intermediate and Advanced Indicators

SMI Ergotic The main function of this indicator is to determine whether the value of an asset is overbought or oversold. The SMI Ergotic Indicator works great in conjunction with the TSI Indicator, the combination of the two indicators can yield a very high ITM rate as reported by advanced and intermediate traders.

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Trix Indicator The TRIX indicator is a center-line oscillator that oscillates from exponentiated values created by the price action of the targeted asset. The main function of this indicator is to determine whether or not the asset being watched is overbought or oversold, the way it does that is by measuring the momentum generated by varying price levels.

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What is the difference between forex trading and binary options trading

What is the difference between forex trading and binary options trading?

New traders typically face a choice of whether they will trade forex or binary options. They may also consider stocks or futures, but since these endeavours are more capital intensive, forex and binary options are the most accessible to the average person. Although you can use the same charts for forex and binary trading. there are several differences between the two and these differences will likely appeal to different traders. Before trading either market with real money it is important to have a plan for trading. a reliable trading method and sound position management.


Before looking at how forex trading and binary options trading differ, lets first address some general ways in which they similar.

Both are tradable online and typically anytime the underlying asset market is open. For the forex market and binary forex options (usually) this means trading takes place around the clock during the week.

You can begin trading either market with a small amount of capital, usually around $100, sometimes less. Since you dont want to risk a lot on each individual trade (see: Determining Binary Options Position Size ) likely you will want to start out with more trading capital than $100 though.

Both allow you make or lose money based on which way the asset movescurrency or otherwise.

Both are tradable on short-term time frames, although with forex trading you can also take long-term positions.

There are also major differences between forex trading and binary options trading.

One major difference is that with binary options the risk and profit potential are both fixed at the outset of the trade. For example if a binary option pays out 80% to winning traders, then you know that if you place $10 on a trade, you will either lose your $10 or make $8 (and of course you keep your initial $10 as well).

Forex trading is more variable. This can be good or bad depending on how the trader trades. A stop loss can be used to control risk, but market conditions may prevent the order from being executed at the expected price resulting in a larger than expected loss. If a stop loss is not used, then the risk of the trade is unknown. A profit target can also be used to take profits at a certain price or percentage level, but there is no guarantee that price will be hit.

Binary options trading is simpler than forex trading because there is no variability, you know your risk and profit potential and when the option expires you either lose or gain the pre - determined amount. With forex trading you dont know your ultimate risk and profit until you close the trade. But this can also be an advantage depending on your trading level as the fixed risk and profit of binary options offers little flexibility in customizing risk relative to reward.

The risk and reward profiles for forex trading and binary options are also drastically different. With the forex market you can customize your potential reward relatively to risk. For example, you can place a trade and place a stop loss order which exposes you to a $100 loss, and at the same time place a profit target at a price which will give you a $300 profit. The trade stays open until one of the orders is hit, resulting in a $100 loss or $300 profit (or close to it).

With binary options trading on the other hand your risk is almost always more than your reward. Binary options typically pay out 60% to 80%, but if you lose usually 100% of the money you placed on the trade is gone.

With binary options you will need a greater than 50% winning percentage on trades to breakeven (about 55% or higher depending on the payouts) and/or make a profit. With forex trading you can actually lose more trades than you win, but since you can customize your reward relative to risk you could end up still making a profit.

Certain traders will like the flexibility of forex trading, while others will appreciate the simple transparency of binary options fixed risk and payouts.

Magnitude of price moves is another difference. When the underlying asset is barely moving a binary option will still pay out 60 to 80%, but forex traders are likely to be sidelined because there isnt enough volatility to make a decent profit.

When trading forex the magnitude of price moves matter. You not only need to pick which direction you think the market will move but also need to assess how far it may goboth for and against you.

With binary options the magnitude of the price move doesnt matter. If you buy a EUR/USD call option thinking the price will rise in the next 15 minutes, it doesnt matter if the price goes up 1 pip or 100, you still get the full payout and are exposed to a known risk (the amount you placed on the trade) if it drops 1 or 150 pips instead.

Another difference is the time frames available for trading. With forex trading you can take trades that last from 1 second to many months, and every conceivable time frame in between because you open and close the trade when you feel like it. With binary options you must trade on the time frame of the options provided to you.

Knowing definitively when your trade begins and ends will appeal to many traders, in which case they will likely be drawn to binaries. Others will prefer the flexibility of forex trading on any time frame they want, opening and closing positions at a time and price they determine.

This is not a definitive list of the similarities and differences between forex and binary options trading, but will likely help you on your way to making a choice.

Both the forex market and binary options provide profit potential. Binary options are simpler and you always know your risk, profit potential and how long the trade will last. Forex trading is much more variable and there are more things to consider, such as when you will get in, when you will get out and how you will manage the trade in the mean time. This variability of forex and the simplicity of binaries both have advantages and disadvantages. Based on the differences assess which you prefer, or try a demo account with a forex broker and binary options broker to see which you like better and ultimately in which market you perform the best.

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Welcome All Binary Option Traders

Hi everyone my name is Ken Davis. And this is my personal binary options review site

I am not a paid affiliate. I do not work for any trading platform so please understand this. Contact me only if you want to discuss strategies to trade or real un-biased recommendations of brokers out there.

Do not contact me for affiliation or paid advertising, trust me, I do not need the extra money! I simply wanted to put this site out there as from experience I know how much help a site like this could be to someone fresh starting out in the Binary trading field.

I am a 44 year old trader who grew up in North West London England in the 70s and 80s. My place of birth was Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield. As a youngster growing up I was more concerned with mechano and lego building than that of the financial markets or mathematics. In fact after several years of model building and frustrating the family with multiple puzzles and pieces of model work strewn throughout the home, it was prophesied that I would become a mechanical engineer. As it turns out, I never did continue with the building work in the physical sense, mathematically and financially wise it is a different story!

Recently I have received a lot of s asking my opinion about the best binary options platform to trade with. Based on my years of experience with financial trading, I have decided to compare a few different platforms offered by the top technology providers.

I have compared these platforms according to the 6 most important factors when choosing a trading platform: pricing . execution and transparency . payouts . use and navigation, features and assets .

Check out the comparison I made

Trading History

Throughout the early 1990s I worked as an asset manager for one of the largest financial organizations at the time Deutsche Bank. I still remember the original job interview clearly, there I was, full of ambitions, dreams and a face of spots, attempting to convince the piece of non moving stone in front of me why I was going to be a killer. The guy was a gargoyle and refused to show even a hint of a smile or emotion. I am pretty sure the job was going to go to some over educated prick with more experience than me, so I decided to take a chance. I remember clearly making the following statement to he who must not be named I dont care if you like me or not, if you think I am capable or not, or even if you like the look of my face. The reason I am here is simple. I am here to destroy whoever you have on your sales floor and to break records. If you cant see that or open the door enough to give me a chance go and cram the job up your ass because you dont deserve me. Seriously almost word for word that was what was said. At first I thought he was going to reach forward and smack my head in, what I got in return was such a surprise I think I had half a stroke If you ever speak to me like that again Ill bury you, silly arrogant little shit! However, if you can bring that fire everyday, sell, fluff and close the clients daily then the job is yours, along with X salary per month with benefits etc etc. True Story.

To friends family and most importantly my Tailor father, I could never really explain why the financial markets appealed to me in such a strong fashion. The lure of gains, risks to be taken, fast cars, fast women, parties and events, plus physically trading, wagering actual money that wasnt my own, based just on feeling or basic data alone was probably the bulk of it, it still gives me shivers!

Once I had started as a junior account manager there was no looking back for me. For almost eight years I toiled away, through asset management, derivatives, CFDs and precious metal longer term trades. The key was building up enough liquidity in my own bank to stop working on behalf of others being paid with commission and to actually take the next step into trading for myself.

It was never my knowledge that kept the clients coming strong and the cash flowing, I always knew it was my attitude. Throughout my time working there and even now I am known to be a cold, blunt and rude bastard. A true sales killer with a lust for blood and spoils. The best feelings I have ever had have always come from closing deals or taking huge sums of money from risky as hell trades Personally I think I would like myself if I met myself (I know terrible thing to say but true!). Why you ask? Simple. There is no bullshit with me. I wont stand by it, I dont need it and I have always had the ability to see through the lies and bullshit of others. Therefore making me a true force to be dealt with, especially when managing accounts or simply trading on my own.

So, you must have had a lonely life you may be thinking? Well, to some respects that is true, there have been plenty of companionable people and beautiful women along the way. But you know what they say, with enough money, anything is possible. As crude as that sounds, I still believe it to be true with every fiber of my beingmitment to anything outside of trading has always been one of my largest weaknesses.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, after spending all that time asset managing, trading and taking care of others I entered into the FX spot markets just before the millennium year 2000. Right up until 2005 I was killing it. I mean really killing it.

The mountain ranges of spot Forex prices became clear in my eyes, instinctive prediction of price movements allowed me to trade whenever the feeling was right. Not to mention the development, testing and implication of advanced strategies and basic bot trader programs, all allowing me to achieve massively high levels of profit and return in extremely small amounts of time. Past that I think I smoked my way through enough green to make old Bob Marley himself proud, along with the kind investment paid to Johnny Walker and his black label on many an evening and night out! Essentially I was a fast paced, smooth lady killer, profitable trader, with all the toys and material items you can imagine, living the lifestyle that you the young/experienced trader have always wished for.

After the rock and roll years I did start to calm down ever so slightly. After all what good is all that cash if you are not alive to spend it? Anyway, a total of five years hardcore trading and living had earnt me just under $6,000,000 clean and clear. Including the management fees gained through the managed funds, along with about 70% of it coming direct from my short term spot trading.

I was the proud owner of cars, motorbikes, a seaside residence in Brighton and a small villa in Marbella Spain. Unfortunately after the run I had, sitting and relaxing or even just stopping to enjoy it all was almost impossible and physically torture to me! Dont get me wrong, the fine wine and beautiful cigars and company did make me happy and feel very entertained on a regular basis!

So, as the story goes, I got back out there. Fired up the contact book and started to network once more. I traveled, and stopped along the way, in various cities and countries that rich wealthy traders and wannabes go to and frequent. Berlin, Zurich, Amsterdam and Paris to name a few. I met and lunched with some of the biggest fund managers out there that I could find, along with getting introduced to all sorts of platform owners, banking and tax specialists (yes you will need those soon!) and outright wannabes looking to enter the field. The human sponge is how I would advocate myself!

After a while I realised that Life in the UK was not making me happy. It may have come down to a broken relationship or two, along with a few fights and muggings coming out of the city late at night. Maybe it was just time! Either way I had some great friends out in the big apple, and decided if I was to go anywhere that is where I should be. After all, the beaches and relaxing places were seriously just not ever going to satisfy me full time.

My First Taste of Binary Options

Binary Options appeared on the scene late in 2007 and seriously burst into volcanic life come early 2008. I was amazed when I saw them, truly I had this feeling that either it was too damn easy or I was seriously an idiot not able to understand what the hell these Binary Options were all about. Fast forwards a few years and here I am, a self proclaimed Specialist on Binary Option trading.

Just so you know, starting out I had my fair share of problems as is always expected when you first try to trade a particular product, regardless of previous experience/trade results. Pitfalls, losses and dramas not to mention withdrawal nightmares all happened rather too frequently for my liking. All of which, as I am a very organised bastard, led to me creating a vast database of knowledge for myself and my personal trading.

From personal reviews/dissection on the platforms I liked or tested, along with being treated fairly at, to those who if given half a chance I would throw a few grenades at without batting an eye lid (told you I was a bastard!), essentially I tried to dabble, taste and test them all.

In total I believe that not only did I manage to test the leading 10 platforms out there fully under various aliases, my belief is that I really do have very useful insight and experience when it comes to this new field of training.

This really brings me to the actual point of creating a site that most likely will not be famous or known throughout the world (just the way I want it! Nothing like an underground, slightly unknown site to brighten a traders day!). My view in life and trading is very simple. Minus out all the big talk, the ego and bravado. I truly believe in one term and I try to live my life by it Paying It Forward

Karma is a bitch unless you treat her fairly and justly. With all the drama, ups and downs and so on that have happened in my life, I am a firm believer of passing on knowledge that can help others. In this case I hope to help all other fellow traders out there. My hope is that if you are still here reading this, that you would be of the same or similar nature.

Why create this site at all?

This website I have created with the intention to share my experience in the Binary Options market and of my trading on the many various Binary Option trading platforms, along with of course trading in general.

For over 15 years I have been trading various financial markets. Initially as a stock and precious metals trader, until I made the shift to Currency trading, shortly after my immigration to the states back in 2006.

I had some good and bad moments over the years, especially in the spot currency market. My eureka moment happened one evening when I was finally willing to accept that the success of my trading depended more on my psychological condition and less on the condition of the market.

Like many others I started to seek other methods of trading. What I felt I needed was a tool that could eliminate my emotional faults or at least minimize the adverse affects of them! That was just at the same time Binary Options trading and the new range of Binary Option trading platforms were starting to get big and where I stepped into the game.

Understanding Binary Options

It took me no time at all to understand the concept of binary trading, after all making a call or put doesnt exactly take too much thinking, I am certain that if I asked any of you if you felt the EUR/USD was going up or down within 30 seconds you would shout me an answer right? The simplicity of actually placing a trade, the way expiry is settled and the overall agreeableness of the total risk/exposure/potential profit in my eyes make Binary Options realistically the only worthwhile way to trade in todays volatile and restless market. Unfortunately for me, even though I did enjoy almost instant successful trades with my binary trading, it was a few months until I finally managed to keep stable results on my accounts, and even a few more months after that until I started to actually take some serious money.

You see the thing is guys, I want to be rich. Not wealthy, not well off, but absolutely massively stinking rich. Richer than I am now. Im talking 500M plus. thats what I want and what I am after.

The plan of course is to accomplish this through financial trading only. Office jobs and working as a wage slave is something I just cannot do. This brings me to my hopes in terms of what the site itself may accomplish? Simple Nothing wrong in life with helping others and paying it forward, essentially letting all of you know what my opinion is on certain online platforms and yes I have tried and will continue to keep active on all of them.

Aside from letting you all know my opinion and thoughts and personal experience along the way, my hope is that I could perhaps set up my own Binary platform or perhaps private hedge fund in a big way. After all, who better to own and run a Binary Options Platform or Managed fund, than someone who has actually been a trader and knows what the real traders want and need!

I hope that you can learn and enjoy from my personal experience, not to mention saving some money on trading tuition fees (for all those who enjoy wasting money on expensive courses!). I will dare to put my neck on the line and actually promise you the following – if I, a complete hooligan money hungry barely educated fool, could become a good trader, and I mean really a GREAT trader (actually in profit with a lifestyle to match any crib on MTV), then truly anyone can including you!

However, to find true success, one must master a few key elements that I am going to share with you. Please take some time to read through and attempt to grasp my ideas. They may contradict some or even all of the ideas you have previously learnt. Refer back to my site once in a while when you can, write to me when you can if you make any progress or have any questions. There are many many many more talented and smarter individuals than myself out there, but then again I am richer than most of them! The beautiful thing about this life is that a problem shared is a problem halved, therefore advice/criticism/tips and more will always be appreciated by me and please feel free everyone to contact me directly anytime (yes I am a real live human being wanting to talk to you!).

Dont lose your day job

I say this partially as a joke because if and when the big money starts coming I think most of us would quit the job immediately and start booking flights The problem with trading? The emotional rush, the physical and mental strain (on you, friends, family, kids etc), the lack of sleep, the restlessness and of course lets not forget the biggest danger..LOSING ALL THE MONEY! Now I will keep this point very simple and forgive me if my blunt way of explaining makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck but, the truth is, when we trade we are taking a risk! We are choosing to risk our money! Some people were not made to trade. Some people are INCAPABLE of taking a loss and stopping. I say this with love but seriously, if you are a gambler or someone who has serious troubles taking care of their money, do yourself, your family and loved ones and anyone connected to you a favour. DO NOT TRADE. In life we only learn from our mistakes. This is especially true with trading. To be successful in trading you must be able to take a loss on the chin, suck it up and improve or at least work out why you lost so you can learn for the next time. If the aim is to stop working full time and be like me great! The road is not super long but it has its dangers. Keep the job for now, set a target amount of liquid cash that you want to achieve and then run at it. If you get there, quit the job and live out the fantasy (maybe buy me a beer also? Or a bottle of good old malt?).

Timing the market

Let us assume that you meet the potential love of your life. Now what good would it be if you meet her 2 years earlier or a day late? I view the market in the same manner and consider timing to be the most critical element for success. Think about it this way, same as you wouldn’t throw your body into the ocean before making a few hesitant steps in it, you should never begin trading before ‘getting a feel’ of the market conditions. What I mean by conditions is one of two scenarios;

1) Choppy market – a market that moves both up and down relatively fast

2) Wavy market – same as it sounds, a market that moves in patterns of waves.

Anything else than this such as chart patterns, indicators, pivots, Fibonacci, Gann, Elliot are all things that have no use to us here. They may have been popular and perhaps still work from time to time with big fund managers or hero traders like Warren Buffet but for short term trading, especially binary trading they have no use to us at all (when it comes to making a trade that is!).

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘the trend is your friend’? How many times have you found yourself thinking that the market price just HAS to go the other way. to reverse its movement as it is too high or too low. This style of thinking is a TRAP. It is the sick part of the sub conscious that plays with the pair of balls you need to physically trust your instincts! So what to do? Easy, look at Binary trading for what it is, a simple, mathematical problem. Want my advice when wanting to find the trend? Look at the time frames you are dealing with. For me, I love the hourly Binary trades. For others it will be different but lets focus on the hourly for now. If I sign in and look at the chart how do I find the trend? Easy, I look at the previous hours of movement and I ask myself just one key question. Do I feel the price of the asset has been moving up? Or do I feel it has been moving down?

Once you have a feel of the trend and are coming to making a decision or a trade itself. Simple personal, bankroll and time management will help you to achieve a greater success on the trades you place. Again feel free to contact me personally to talk about strategy and placing of trades. If there is one thing I love to do it has to be talking and sharing trading strategies and ideas with like minded individuals

My personal view of trading Victory Loves Preparation

33% Direction Assessment Finding the trend direction

33% Risk management Deciding on trade amounts and level of bankroll

33% Trading strategy Frequency of trades, assets traded and placement 1% Luck Never hunt for her, but lady luck can and will help

Elimination of psychological pitfalls

So guys, if you are still with me well done we are almost ready to move on. Just before we do lets lay some very simple ground rules in preparation against our own psychological pitfalls.

Firstly, Decide how much money you can afford to trade. This does not mean work out from a total of liquid cash what you want to start an account with. I am asking you to decide and work out exactly how much money you have access to, that you can actually trade with. For some this will be a few hundred. For others a few thousand. For a small percentage this will be much more.

Second, find a safe place for the money! Is the platform trustworthy? Has it got good reviews? Does it have a license? Regulation? Segregated bank accounts? Do they trap you with automatic cash bonuses? Do you have the ability to withdraw? Do they have the right assets for you to trade? Are the payout percentages worthwhile to trade on? All these questions and more will need to be answered if you are going to have a good experience. Best advice from me? DO THE RESEARCH!

Google is a tool that is rarely used to its fullest, forums and chat sites can be good also. Beware of the forum site that is actually a paid portal sending traffic to certain platforms, the vies are almost always biased and based solely on how much the platform pays to the operator of the site. Lastly, every platform uses live chat. Click and talk to them, ask them the questions you want answered, find the place that will take good care of you and make you happy, deposit an amount that can last you as long as possible (considering there may be losses or some time until great results are regularly happening) and remember that the more you deposit, the more bonus money you can get from these platforms!

Send me an directly binaryoptionsreviews com to talk about anything in regards to trading or the platforms out there or even future business requests/plans/advice etc. Most of all thank you so very much for coming here and reading, and of course the very very best of luck out there!

Ken Davis binaryoptionsreviews com

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