Binary option explained

What are Binary Options?

In their most basic form a Binary Option is a financial investment that can only have two possible outcomes. You will be able to place a trade on all manner of different things such as stock values, commodities and Indices and you will be given the option of choosing whether the value of them will either increase or decrease over an allotted time period.

The most appealing aspect to placing Binary Options trades is that you are not actually having to purchase for example shares in a company, instead you are simply making a prediction as to whether the value of the company shares will increase or decrease, and as such the financial outlay when placing Binary Options trades is way lower than when you invest your funds on the stock exchange!

The same can be said of when you place a Binary Option trade on a commodity such as Gold, you will never have to purchase Gold Bullion, which based on the current value would often make it an unaffordable type of investment for most people, instead you place a trade as to whether the price of gold will rise or fall over a given period.

The time period that any Binary Option trade will remain live will vary, as there are lots of different trades you can choose to place, whilst some will be structured in such a way that you will hope to see the value rise or fall over several hours, you will find you can place some Binary Options trades that can less 30 or even 60 seconds at most Binary Options Brokers.

Choosing a Binary Option Broker

As there are so many Binary Options Brokers offering their services to traders from all over the world, you really should spend as much time as is required researching just which Broker or brokers you sign up to and open an account at.

It will often be the case that you will need to locate a Broker that can and will cater for traders based in the country where you reside. By doing so you will then find you will be trading at a fully licensed and regulated Brokers and one that will give you a range of banking options that are based on your own home currency, and as such will not be paying high currency exchange rate fees when you make a deposit into or make a withdrawal from your trading account.

To help you quickly and easily locate a Binary Options Broker that will offer you everything you will need we have a range of in-depth and informative Binary Option Broker reviews dotted around this website and invite you to make full use of those reviews, as it will make finding a Binary Option Broker offering you whatever you are seeking so much easier.

Why trade binary options?

Interested in trading but don’t like to wait weeks or months for a return.

Following news events and want to financially benefit from your knowledge.

New to trading but want to participate without the steep learning curve.

BinaryOptionsExplained ‘will’ make you money as an options trader!

Impartial Broker Reviews – we’re registered and trade real money with all the binary options brokers in the market to assess their trading platforms, payouts, bonuses, tradable assets, spreads, withdrawal process, customer service and much more, so YOU can discover the best binary options broker from our unbiased reviews and expert panel ratings.

Trading Journal – no other website discloses their actual trades like we do! Every week, we compile our real money trades using our proprietary trading algorithms and strategies to illustrate our trading techniques, so you can learn from them to improve your win-rate. Serious traders pay $1000’s for these valuable insights and trading sessions which we’re giving away for free!

Binary Options Signals – on a weekly basis, we give away FREE binary trade signals and analysis, indicating exactly when and at what point to enter a trade and when to exit for a low-risk, calculated, in-the-money trade. You can bank on this for high profitability as we repeatedly achieve 70% – 85%. If you subscribe with us (free), you’ll get this in your /SMS on a daily basis.

World Class Strategies – beat the market and 98% of traders that don’t follow these tried-and-tested strategies that really pay dividends. We illustrate with diagrams and extensive analysis of when opportunities emerge, how to spot them and most importantly the mechanics behind applying the strategies to cut the risk from the trade and bank those colossal winnings repeatedly!

Benefits of Placing Binary Option Trades

There are many unique benefits of becoming a Binary Options trader, not only are these types of financial investments fairly low cost ones but you can make some very substantial gains on them, the actual profits you can make when trading Binary Options will vary from Broker to Broker.

You are also going to find many Brokers will offer you not only a welcome trading bonus when you first sign up and make a deposit into their trading platform, but you will find lots of them offer you ongoing bonuses and promotional deals such as ongoing deposit match bonuses or they will offer you risk free trades.

In regards to how you actually place your Binary Options trades, you will find all of our featured and licensed and regulated Binary Option Brokers will offer you a web based trading platform or a mobile trading App, both of which are very easy to use and offer you a range of option settings to allow you to configure the platforms with your own preferences and trading strategies built into them!