Binary options mobile brokers and apps

Binary Options Mobile Brokers and Apps

1st December, 2012 - Posted by Hamish in Mobile

Mobile Binary Options Apps

Change is the only constant thing in life, and change for the better carries much greater appeal. When Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and everyone from that era of the mid 70s gave us the personal computer with the innovations that followed it, many probably thought that we were at the end of the revolution and that nothing could better the personal computer. However, we were proven wrong with the invention of the smartphones. Smartphones have gradually started to replace the personal computer in so many endeavours, including trading. Some brokers in the binary options market have caught on and have finally stepped up with applications to enable traders trade binary options on their smartphones.

Mobile binary brokers are therefore the smartphone-compliant brokers. With the current trends seeing phone usage far outstripping computer usage, we foresee a future where it is very likely that all trading will be mobile-based in future, and only mobile compliant brokers will be able to get clients.

No.1 Mobile Trading App:

TradeRush (read the full review here ), the premier binary options broker, offers an excellent mobile trading app. The app works on iPhones and Androids, and is extremely user-friendly. There’s no need to be particularly tech-savvy to take advantage of TradeRush’s mobile app either.

One thing that stands out with TradeRush’s mobile app is that you can easily see many different options on your screen without having to exit to another screen. It is in fact no more difficult than using the TradeRush platform on your computer. All it takes is a simple touch of the finger you can scroll down to see more assets to choose from or you can click on a particular asset and see all of its relevant information.

No trading details are missing when you use the TradeRush mobile app; you can view all of the necessary details regarding each option, including payout, current price, financial chart, expiry times, and the return if the trade is successful or unsuccessful . You can zoom in on the financial charts to get a better idea of the movements of each specific binary option.

There is also a menu at the top of the app which consists of three tabs: Trade, My Account Info and My Options. When you select “Trade,” you are taken to the advanced trading platform where you can execute trades. Click on “My Account Info,” and you’ll be able to see all of your personal account information. This includes your banking history, personal details, bonuses, as well as an option for you to change your password. Touch the third menu tab, “My Options,” and you can view the trades which you have executed. Download the TradeRush mobile app today to your iPhone or Android, and start gaining profits while you’re on the go.

Benefits of Mobile Trading Apps

Have you ever tried taking your laptop to check your positions at the same time you are scheduled to attend the Thanksgiving Dinner in the presence of the whole family? I mean extended family that includes your siblings and their kids? How about bringing out the laptop on the dinner table and trying to put it on the table to compete with the plates of food, turkey, etc? Not only is it not an impossible task, but the rest of the family will not be amused by such disruptions.

Such inconveniences bedevil computer traders all the time. It manifests in several ways. For instance, traders who have a 9 – 5 job and only trade as a second income stream, have no way of combining trading with office work during official hours. Not only is it unethical to eat into time being paid for by employers, but it could have serious repercussions if such a daring trader is caught. It is very difficult to use a laptop in some places. If you own a desktop, that is completely out of the question.

This brings us to the major advantage of smartphones and mobile apps. They are so convenient and can be used anywhere. In all the situations mentioned above, it is easy to use the smartphone to check on positions and to perform snap trades without anyone knowing what is going on. The convenience and portability factor simply cannot be ignored.

Those who are signal providers will also find the smartphone and the mobile trading apps a very convenient way to run their business. Rather than rely on the old way of using s, push notifications are there to be used in sending out signals that are received in a timely fashion. A trader can also create a simple app that subscribers to signals can apply for, and they get a lot of signals from there.

List of Mobile Brokers

If you have been searching for a list of brokers who offer smartphone trading, then look no further than this list provided here. The following brokers offer mobile trading applications for use:

Any trader who wants to get the desired results out of mobile trading can check the brokers listed here. It is certain that many more brokers will join this list as they develop their own mobile trading platforms.

How to Use Mobile Trading Apps

The first step is to identify what platform the app is programmed to work on. Apps can either work on the iOS platform (Apple’s iPad and iPhone), Android OS (many manufacturers including Samsung, HTC, LG, etc) or Windows-based phones. Blackberry apps for trading are not very popular and until that company is able to sort out their issues, it is better you do not use them.

Once you have identified which platform the broker’s trading application works on, the next step is to download the application from the appropriate store. You can download the iPhone and iPad apps from the App Store, and the Android apps from the Google Play store. The download links would usually be conspicuously placed on the website of the broker.

Once you have the app downloaded to your phone, you are free to manipulate it in any way you deem fit, just as you would do if you were on a desktop or laptop.

Useful Resources:

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